A Confident ME
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Welcome to A Confident ME

'Empowering Minds to Thrive'

ME Programme

Developing emotional awareness and agility.

A Confident ME programmes explicitly teach the skills to tune into our emotions.

We learn to see emotions as friendly messengers that can help us navigate the world with both courage and compassion. Through open acceptance that ALL emotions are okay and skills to regulate the uncomfortable feelings we lay the firmfoundations for strong mental health.

ME Programme

Celebrating strengths and unlocking inner confidence.

A Confident ME helps every individual to know they are special.

By celebrating unique strengths and knowing that we are all amazingly flawed human beings we unlockinner confidence.

ME Programme

Empower minds to embrace challenges.

Life is full of struggles.

Having the readiness to embrace life hurdles and challenges enables us to build resilience and the belief thatwe can handle anything. One of A Confident ME’s goals that is woven throughout all our workshops is to helpchildren understand the brain and gain an awareness of the power of thought.

ME Programme

Creating a mindset for success and happiness.

Success and Happiness comes when we live life through the balance of self-compassion and purpose.

Through the practice of healthy habits of mind we are free to choose both our attitude and aperspective that serves us best in order to embrace all life’s wonderful opportunities with amindset for success. This flexible, positive mindset is a skill for life!

ME Programme
TEEN Programme
A Confident ME Teen for schools
Age 11 and Beyond
ME Programme
A Confident ME for schools
Age 8 - 11
MINI Programme
A Confident MINI for schools
Age 4 - 8
Parents Workshop
A Confident ME Parenting Workshop
for schools
One to One Workshop
A Confident ME One to One Coaching
for all ages